Conversation: an exchange of energy and information that evokes change.

Living Conversation: the exchange of meaningful experiences and feelings in women that activate and evolve the Mother Heart;

a mode of conversation invoked in Councils or Circles or Core Groups.

GOD*Mother Field: a resonant field of caring cocreated when women engage in Living Conversation;

a spacious context of conscious relationship that nurtures Self-realization.


“A conscious relationship is one that calls forth who you really are… Regarding relationship as a vehicle or path that can help two [or more] people access the powerful qualities of their true nature, provides the new vision our age so urgently needs.”

—John Welwood, Love and Awakening: Discovering the Sacred Path of Intimate Relationship (HarperPerennial, 1996, p.8).


The Art of Living Conversation
Click the image to hear Jeanie (with a cameo by Bonnie via computer) share their invitation to learn and practice ‘The Art of Living Conversation.’ Click  HERE  to begin an online course of study along the GOD*Mother Path.


Living Conversation Emerging Worldwide

From our experiences and observations, we feel confident to report that there is a course of intimate Self-study and Self-actualization happening in small groups (or circles) of women worldwide.  The classroom is the gathering of two or more, and the teaching is revealed through conversations that call forth the Mother Heart of each woman. In circles, on Zoom and Skype calls, on Facebook and private forums, women are expressing authentically, listening deeply and learning from one another.

This is not ordinary conversation where people are politely superficial, or pronounce their opinions, argue and react. Nor is this deep conversation that intends a much needed outcome in the external world (though it can be).

Instead, Living Conversation‘ is speaking, listening and witnessing that which emerges from the quickening depths of a person’s experience. In women it is an exchange that emanates from and activates, evolves and substantiates the Mother Heart. As we participate in Living Conversation, we learn how to recognize what is genuine in ourselves and in others. We find ourselves invited to become more authentically who we are, to develop Source-based conscious relationships of trust and mutuality, and to generate powerful evolutionary fields of intention and caring.


The Field-Generating Power of Living Conversation

Click the photo to watch Bonnie and Jeanie in Living Conversation. The text embedded in the YouTube video points to the energy exchanges and growth we experienced in our conversation.

Having engaged in Living Conversation for over 20 years, we can also report that the field-generating power of Living Conversation is evident as the shared feeling-states evoked by the practice. We remember, as the Santa Barbara Conscious Evolution community was forming at the turn of the millenium, remarking to each other that the resonant field around us was ‘palpable.’ We could almost touch its substance, and easily came to experience its energy as a deep sense of loving purposeful community.

As we stepped into the stream of women ‘gathering,’ Gather the Women,  Evolutionary Women , Millionth Circle, Standing Women, United Nations Commission on the Status of Women and World Conferences on Women, it became clear that our community experience was widespread, happening also wherever women shared from the heart and intended the greater good. The ‘core group’ principles we had practiced in community were emerging as ‘circle’ principles from widely different arenas, all inviting authenticity, respect and deep listening, all producing fields of ever-growing trust and mutuality.

As we continue the practice of Living Conversation in person and online today, as we continue to exchange from our Mother Hearts, the fields we cocreate and maintain give us deep respite from this crazy world of crises and violence. Although fear and anxiety may be shared, they are also witnessed and not long-lasting. Instead, there is a loving atmosphere of acceptance and expansion that supports each one and all of us to stay Present and in equanimity with whatever is happening within and around us. Together, we seem to be generating a local*global GOD*Mother field*culture that invites each of us to be precisely and uniquely ourselves, for our own sake and the sake of the world.


GOD*Mother Fields for the Sake of the Earth

Because of their field effects, we intuit that women’s Living Conversations rest on qualities innate within us that are also evolutionary opportunities – not only for each woman and her relationships, but also for the entirety of humanity and the Earth.

Together within a Living Conversation, each one centered in the Mother Heart, we cocreate a field of mutual nurturance for each other. These fields of intention contrast (and thus, reveal) the old energy patterns of our cultures which largely deny the Feminine altogether. They invite each and all to ‘see’ beyond that denial to our true nature. 

As we enter (or re-enter) the process of Self-realization in Living Conversation, we begin to guide one another into an authentic relational Flow, each one listening deeply to Source Within and to each other, simultaneously cocreating a Source-based GOD*Mother Field. The field, in turn, invites us to continue the conversation into an ever deepening personal, yet interconnected Flow of Knowing.

 Over time, we come to recognize the fluid nature of the relational Self that is a woman’s life lived from the true Mother Heart. Every Living Conversation and every GOD*Mother Field is woven within us, to simultaneously address our personal growth, foster true relationship and nurture humanity toward a positive future. All we need do is intend it be so!

Within the local*global GOD*Mother Fields emerging through Living Conversation, we are learning to be*hold our world, beyond its apparent divisiveness, as a realm of differentiated unity


Experience a Living Conversation at the Clothes Line

Julie Heyman

JULIE, speaking her Mother Heart experience

    “I was hanging out wash on the sunny patio, when a tangible wave moved through me. I began to feel ‘All Women’ doing this simple task – be they our mothers, grandmothers, women on the prairies a hundred years ago, or women throughout the ages. Our hands would have moved similarly; we would have adjusted the wet items similarly… and this chore might even have been one of the easiest in a burdened day –  affording a few moments of quiet with the sun, the breezes and the fresh smells of nature. I felt connected to all the women – I felt it emanating from my Knowing, my God Mother Heart.”

JEANIE, listening from the Mother Heart

“As she shared her experience with me, I felt what Julie was expressing; I could easily envision the countless women doing this task. For a sweet moment, we were communicating from a deep Knowing that went beyond words. And then, in this resonant space I thought of my mother.

One of the first chores my mother gave me, even before I was quite tall enough to reach the clothes line, was hanging up and taking down her washed clothes. An inner quality of my ‘self growing up’ moved through me as a felt sense of reaching for that clothes line.

Later, I cherished that feeling of ‘growing up,’ and felt the clothes line memory nuance my general memory of a childhood burdened with chores. Now, even later as I write, something more is arising in me… a kind of solidity to my life as one of service to others, not in any way demeaning, rather sort of grand. I am intimately joined to a wave of women who care!”

WITNESSING THE EXCHANGE: As the energy of Julie’s Oneness experience is received by Jeanie, it evokes a personal memory. Both women experience an expansion of awareness and connectedness (Julie was called to draft our shared experience for the website). Julie’s universal experience is now nuanced with the story of a personal relationship and its larger meaning; Jeanie’s personal experience is now sweetened and expanded by the universal. Their collective relational field is deepened and made more intimate by the sharing, while the reality of all women together is substantiated by their awareness.

THE EXCHANGE IS LIVING CONVERSATION, sharing through energetic resonance as well as words, cocreating and co-inhabiting a field of awareness. This is the depth to which it can go and the value it can have for all participants. No topic is too ‘small’ to be a catalyst for opening the heart and creating a resonant field that is caring, compassionate, cathartic, re-membering and even healing.

Has something moved in you from reading this exchange? SOMETHING MORE become visible?  PLEASE SHARE HERE

Awareness #9. As we ‘see’ and embrace all aspects of ourselves, we enter a process of sovereignty over our inner territory, and reconciliation with each other.

Talking points

  • What does it mean to ‘see’ ourselves, to witness ourselves?
  • We are each comprised of many personas or aspects that make up our personality: some we like, some we don’t like, all of them lovable.
  • We are the ‘many’ in the ‘one’ of us, and our life’s work is to become whole, to leave no aspect behind.
  • As we ‘witness’ our own behavior impartially, we  create a place of love and acceptance in ourselves where all the parts of us are welcome.
  • Share in the GOD*Mothering Forum



At some point in the process toward a woman’s sovereignty, she finds herself relaxing her judgments of self and other, her perfectionism and need to justify herself, and becoming more light-hearted.  As her filters lessen, her essence begins to emanate more consistently, and her presence to evoke the best from others.  She partners with her Mother Heart to identify needs around her, but chooses her actions wisely with deep self- and other-respect.

 1. When a woman meets another woman also moving toward sovereignty, they become Sister-Mirrors for one another, amplifying their clarity, evoking more and more understanding and authentic expression from each other.  It is as if the world now becomes coalesced as One around them, and everything is relevant to their learning.

 2. This is the GODMother Presence in women who understand and commit to the simultaneity of their own embodied uniqueness, and membership in a sisterhood/ brotherhood of Oneness.  GODMothering invites us to ‘see as God sees’ the many in the One, and to cultivate pure, precise and authentic Being at all levels, at all times.




Watch and Practice

Ch. 9. Let the heart lead the way.

 3:28 min. Gina Rene singing ‘Let go,’ Mary Omwake about ‘mother love and heart connections to wholeness,’ and Jean Molina’s ‘universal mothering.’


The Heart to Lead, Ch 9


Exercise your awareness ‘muscle’

Notice what evokes a flood of love in yourself when watching or interacting with a friend or a family member.  Hold that tone of loving in yourself, and notice as much as you can about your experience. What is being loved by you? Do you ‘see’ love wherever you put your attention? Can you find a word to describe that love-quality of Being?


Awareness #10. As we reflect and confirm one another in wholeness, we evolve our Mother Heart(s) toward ‘One GOD*Mother Heart,’ a unitive field of loving intention for humanity and the Earth.


As we evolve and grow in awareness, we know that whenever we speak, reflect or confirm the truth in one another, we are growing the field of differentiated Oneness and offering greater receptivity and love to coming generations. Ultimately, we will offer the context of ‘Oneness-in-Person’ to everyone we meet, tuning them into wholeness and real love wherever we go, anchoring a new culture with our entire Being.

 1. As women commit to their own personal growth, they are naturally drawn to befriend others with the same intention.  The evolving Mother Heart seems to reside in both the individual and the group, each level supporting the other.  When the Dalai Lama considers mothering  to be the human adaptation closest to the Divine, he may be referring to this ‘multi-dimensional’ quality.

 2. There are already circles of women everywhere ‘GOD-Mothering’ one another. Together, these circles are evoking each person’s natural gifts and leadership,  aligning each person’s decision-making with the greater good,  and anchoring a new Wisdom Culture on planet Earth.




Watch and Practice

Ch. 10. Be the change.

 Approx 3:00 min. Mary Omwake about ‘gifts and the next generation,’ Kathy Hearn about ‘growing for the greater good,’ and Gina Rene singing ‘Be the change.’


The Heart to Lead, Ch 10


Exercise your awareness ‘muscle’

Carry the idea of evolving the Mother Heart into your circle’s atunement.  If you are not yet in a circle, call a few friends and try one out.  See what happens as you hold a space together for an honest reflection of what’s going on in each heart, our inner longing for those we love.


Talking points

  • What does ‘be the change’ mean to you?
  • Imagine that you’ve accepted, even welcomed every single aspect of yourself, physical, emotional, and spiritual. Imagine your ‘whole system’ working together seamlessly to receive what is yours to receive, to give what is yours to give.
  • When we no longer judge ourselves, we can accept others the way they are as well.
  • How ‘free’ do you feel to be yourself?
  • Share in the GOD*Mothering Forum



Anchoring the GOD*Mother Field

Contemporary and across the centuries

Many women, feeling their ‘Mother Hearts,’ have stepped forward to nurture humanity’s Life Force.

Many men, engaged with their own healing, have promoted and protected the Spaciousness of Being.

We are deeply grateful for each one and pay homage here to those we know and love…

[Page under development; many more appreciations to come, plus an invitation to construct your own Appreciations Page]

[The vision: As each woman offers her page of appreciations, our collective network of gratitude becomes visible.]

Sister Mirrors

St. Clare of Assisi
St. Clare of Assisi


St. Clare (another view)


Deborah Koppel Mitchell
Deborah Koppel Mitchell
GODMother Sisters
Lynn Taylor, Bonnie, Suzan Nolan, Jeanie, Marsha Tongel, Laura Dickinson, Doris Davis (left to right)
Julie Heyman
Julie Heyman
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Thank you, dear Ann, for the steadfast movement forward in service of women's circles!
Ann Smith






A history of Sister Mirrors

 A timeline of building the field of GODMother awareness

Being compiled…


A collective wisdom function

Evoking more awareness and truth with every conversation


Under development…







Thank you, Marcus, for your Field of Spaciousness which evokes 'The More'
Marcus Werner
Jeanie's right partner for 30 years... grateful for all the living, the angst, the growing, and the love.
Jeffrey Eisen
Bonnie's daring partner on the slopes of life... Thank you for believing in GODMothers!
Harrison Wreden







To activate, articulate and engage the Feminine through Mother Hearts in Living Conversation toward a culture of caring.


We envision women everywhere evolving their Mother Hearts and cocreating resonant fields, GOD*Mother Fields of caring, in  conversations, relationships and projects. We see these GOD*Mother Fields vitally contributing to a global field of caring and the well-being of future generations.



The Feminine : A many-faceted relational way of Being, realized differently in women and men.

Mother Heart: The nurturing impulse of the Feminine in women.

Living Conversation: The exchange of meaningful experiences and feelings in women that can activate and evolve the Mother Heart.

GOD*Mother Field: A resonant field of caring cocreated when women engage in Living Conversation from the Mother Heart.

The GOD*Mother Path: Experiencing and realizing the Feminine nature of Self in resonant fields of caring; choosing to offer that Awareness into a growing unified field of caring for the benefit of humanity and the Earth.

Bonnie and Jeanie In costume as the anthropologist and the GODMother

From Jeanie and Bonnie

With awareness, familiar roles we play invite us onto the GOD*Mother Path.


AN INVITATION: To apply our deepest wisdom to our lives and for the world NOW

When you think about the world, or the future, do you feel a kind of urgency? With the direction of world events, do you share our deep concern for the generations to come? The urgency is real! We are being moved faster and faster into an unknown future.

To meet this unknown with grace and ease, there is an incredible opportunity before humanity now… to be spiritually mature and collectively powerful. While both men and women are called to the task, we focus here on a unique evolutionary path for women, already in process worldwide, inviting only our awareness to realize its influence on modern civilization at every level. 

Please join us as we explore aspects of the Feminine in women which, hidden in plain sight, are poised ready to evolve and tip humanity toward the good. It is more than time to reveal and actualize our deepest potentials for our own sake and the sake of all the Earth’s children. 

The GOD*Mother Path

We call this evolutionary opportunity the GOD*Mother Path for its intention: to elevate the human mothering instinct into a higher consciousness capable of nurturance for all. We’ve done our best to imbue this online space with the energy of that intention.

The GOD*Mother Path is a journey toward Self-knowing and caring for life that is just as natural as traveling along a path in the forest to reach a destination with our loved ones. Can you feel the field? Can you take a deep breath and feel the quality of ‘all-rightness?’

The GOD*Mother Path

                               Through the individual Mother Heart

Toward a culture of caring for the world

            (See more… An outline)

                         Stepping forward, each and together,

                                          Aligning our intention and commitment…

The GOD*Mother Intent

From my growing awareness

that I am part of a rising tide of Oneness on Earth,

women, men, children, all life and all that is here now,

I intend, to the best of my ability,

to be a true Sister-Mirror for other women,

nurturing the Oneness within them

by noticing and reflecting their wholeness,

nurturing the Oneness within me

by committing to my own growth and evolution,

nurturing the Oneness of all creation

by aligning all that I think and do with the greater good.



See more about the wisdom of the Mother Heart

See more about the GOD*Mother Fields cocreated by Living Conversation

Go directly to the Ten Awarenesses of the GOD*Mother Path




We are poised at a moment in human history when every awareness is critical. Your participation has never mattered more. Our collective precision may be essential for the well-being of future generations.


What do you know about the Path?

What do you sense within?

What is being called into form?


We hear the call to step forward and make ourselves more visible and more of a force for good in our world… and we are answering.

-Kathie Murtey via Doris Davis, September 2019 GOD*Mother  Gathering



We begin to define the GOD*Mother Path with the Ten Awarenesses below. They are accompanied by the ten original chapters of the film The Heart to Lead that first pointed us toward the Mystery of women together. (See the links Mother Heart and Living Conversation for more about the film and our journey.)

Notice the four parts of the Path: The Big Picture, The Mother Heart, The Call, and GOD*Mothering. These are directions that we hope will guide your exploration, as they have guided us. Click the button under each direction to view corresponding segments of the film plus text and questions to consider. 

Whether you are on your own now, or walking with a circle of women, please also share your experience in the GOD*Mother Forum as you ‘scroll’ down the Path. In this way, what we are learning becomes a library of experiential wisdom.

Notice especially the caring that arises in you, as you listen within and to each other. This is the GOD*Mother Field that we are cocreating naturally as we become aware of our feminine aspects. This is our hope rising for the future of humanity and the Earth.

A Brief Timeline                                                                                                                                                                                          A Mystical Overview

The Big Picture

 Awareness #1  

Underlying the apparent separations between people, there is a field of Oneness that connects us all.

 Awareness #2  

When we communicate authentically, both speaker and listeners can experience this field of Oneness as Living Conversation.

 Awareness #3   

Women sharing Living Conversation can bring more balance into a world dominated by self-interest.


  Watch the film and explore ‘The Big Picture’  

  Share on ‘The Big Picture’ forum

The Mother Heart

 Awareness #4   

Women possess a ‘Mother Heart,’ a way of ‘seeing and responding’ to others that is innately intuitive, holistic and caring.

 Awareness #5    

The knowing of the Mother Heart is fundamental to our very existence and a natural bridge of understanding between women, yet largely unnoticed in modern culture.


      Watch the film and explore ‘The Mother Heart‘ 

       Share on ‘The Mother Heart‘ forum

The Call Within

 Awareness #6     

By quieting our minds and listening deeply, women are learning to recognize and value the inner knowing at the center of the Mother Heart.


 Awareness #7      

In circles and councils around the world, an ancient sisterhood of inner knowing is being revitalized as women sense the needs of our global family.


 Awareness #8       

Through ‘Living Conversations,’ our collective field of inner knowing is growing in power and wisdom, inviting more awareness within each woman.


Watch the film and explore ‘The Call’

Share on ‘The Call’ forum


 Awareness #9  

As we ‘see’ and embrace all aspects of ourselves, we enter a process of sovereignty over our inner territory, and reconciliation with each other.

 Awareness #10 

As we reflect and confirm one another in wholeness, we evolve our Mother Heart(s) toward ‘One GOD*Mother Heart,’ a unitive field of loving intention for humanity and the Earth.


Watch the film and explore ‘GOD*Mothering’

Share on the ‘GOD*Mothering’ forum 

Co-creation for the greater good is rising

with the evolving Mother Heart