A many-faceted relational way of Being, realized differently in women and men;
Embodied in women as biological systems that nurture relationships.
mother heart
The nurturing impulse of the Feminine in women, often experienced as a call to attend to the well-being of others.
An evolutionary doorway for the Feminine to influence the direction of human civilization.
GOD*Mother heart
Realization of the potential of the Mother Heart to nurture humanity through these critical times.
The Feminine
A many-faceted relational way of Being
In our experience and observation, many women live in a relationship-based reality, still natural to us as part of our capacity to birth and nurture offspring. This reality is very complex, shifting between relational contexts as needed. (Just imagine a mom with 3 kids, a husband, a house, aging parents, a twisted ankle, a best friend going through a divorce, more than likely a part or full-time job outside the home, money shortage, who also cares passionately about the plight of children in poverty.)
Most dictionary definitions of the feminine avoid or dismiss this deep significance, staying within cultural concepts that limit its value. In fact, we’ve noticed very little appreciation for this feminine way of being even in ourselves though it seems to be the underpinning of societal relationships everywhere. One might almost say that deep feminine reality has been invisible relative to a masculine reality that has shaped the modern technological world. (Surely, humanity will be best served by greater awareness of both.)
The Mother Heart
An immense resource becoming visible
We’ve also noticed that many women appear to be engaged in a process of Self-actualization, awakening to our Feminine reality. This is not the masculine understanding of self in contemporary society, full of accomplishments, but a uniquely feminine path encompassing the many levels of relationship that sculpt each woman’s inner self.
Hearing the call to participate in a world that has lost touch with the Feminine, women have been self-organizing for some time now into small groups that co-create a collective Mother Heart by their authentic sharing and listening. Each woman, then, is received, informed and evolved by the expanded field according to her capacity.
We believe that these small group processes are, in turn, feeding a global Mother Heart and a GOD*Mother Field of caring for the Earth, that can lovingly support humanity at this critical evolutionary moment. In other words, our intention to become Self-actualized together, is also an intention to ‘Mother’ humanity wherever we can.
“The unconditional love of the mother is perhaps the human love closest to the perfection of God’s love. The true mother forgives her son even when no one else will.”
“That is the relationship to have with God, for the love of the Mother is the all-forgiving love of the Divine.”
–Paramahansa Yogananda [Read more: yogananda.com.au/pyr/love1.html]
The GOD*Mother Heart
A many-faceted field of intention for all Earth’s children
The many levels of relationship that comprise Feminine reality are, thus, in intimate connection with the intention of each woman to know the truth of herself and her Mother Heart within that reality. We believe that there is an entire network of women already engaged in this many-faceted process of Feminine Self-actualization, and that greater awareness of the Mother Heart will, in turn, support humanity’s emergence toward a more conscious way of Being on Earth.
Our insight is that women called to this path are the stirrings of a global function we might call the GOD*Mother Heart, arising to serve the whole of humanity and the Earth. It is as though we have been activated to evolve and bring conscious discernment and precision to the caring of the Mother Heart, so that the Feminine may become more visible as an important weave in the unfolding of human civilization.
How we came to ‘see’ the Mother Heart
Bonnie and I have been friends for over 20 years. We met when Barbara Marx Hubbard initiated the Conscious Evolution community in Santa Barbara, and our friendship has grown within the fabric of many relationships committed to Self-knowledge and Conscious Evolution. We have shared countless community and circle conversations, in project after project with other women (and men).
In addition, since 2012, catapulted by Bonnie and Cheryl Gould’s film The Heart to Lead, we have talked by phone almost daily to explore, understand and exchange the interior processes of our every-day lives as women. Every experience was important to us as we consciously held a ‘big picture’ perspective on what was happening.
During this time we have been blessed by repeated ‘Living Conversations‘ with other women also exploring their inner experiences. Our GOD*Mother video conferences and Standing Women phone conferences, in particular, are not only mutually supportive, but also foundational for the evolution of the GOD*Mother Project.
This website expresses our growing understanding of the feminine realms, including what is named in the film as the Mother Heart, and how it seems to be evolving to meet humanity’s needs. We believe the Mother Heart is a vast resource on the move now to ensure the survival of future generations.

Laura Dickinson culled these activating words from our GOD*Mother video conference, August 1, 2019:
GOD*Mothers: Powerfully Protecting the Inner Instinctive … Wisdom of the Mother Heart