The GODMother Path

Through the Mother Heart toward sovereign participation in the world















  • Noticing the imbalances of human mothering
  • Allowing the process of awareness to balance us toward sovereignty
  • Expanding beyond the inborn mothering impulse toward ‘right nurturance’



     GODMothering in circle

  • Tuning in to the highest possible vibration
  • Sharing and listening from the heart
  • Creating a common intention to nurture the full potential of each woman and the circle
  • Noticing the new qualities emerging

     GODMothering self

  • Watching over ourselves with love and Spaciousness
  • Noticing what is so, and accepting ourselves, human and divine
  • Following the ‘next steps’ that arise to help ourselves grow
  • Letting go of contractions and resistance

     GODMothering one another, two or more

  • Being spacious and accepting of ‘what is’
  • Listening for the divine in each other by sensing within
  • Being mirrors for one another and reflecting truth
  • Following the energy within right relationship



     Toward wholeness at every level…

toward individuated whole-system women, who recognize and receive the Divine in one another, vibrate together in unity, and contribute to a standing wave of personalized Oneness on the planet, for the greater good of the whole human family.