clockDo you suffer when those you love suffer?

Do you sense their needs almost before they do?

Do you try to make life better for them, to shift your suffering and theirs?

Is the suffering in the world almost more than you can bear?

This is humanity’s ancient ‘Mother Heart’ becoming visible through you, and women’s experience of the Mayan phrase ‘In Lak’ech’ (I am another you).



How do we channel our own deepest wisdom to become the change that is needed?

Our answer after 15 years of asking the question: The GODMother Path!

  1. Follow our deepest inner knowing in every moment.
  2. Notice our inner knowing and where it takes us.
  3. Stay in conversation with others on the Path.

We begin our journey with the premise that we are each unique expressions of the Divine Principle, shaped and sculpted by our unique human embodied experience. At the same time some commonalities apply.  We note that mammalian mothering is ’embodied giving,’ in primates often networked into female lineages, in women often automatic, indiscriminate, and attached to personal preference, outcome and identity. 

The impulse to give to others, embodied in women, is priceless. It is sorely needed at every level of contemporary civilization to balance the self-interest that dominates our cultures.  Yet, many women unaware of their great gift, are also unaware that they are supporting the self-serving customs of modern life.

A quantum adjustment is needed to bring the ancient role of embodied mother-giving into balance with current value systems and our growing global consciousness, that we may more precisely serve the needs of humanity today.  This adjustment must happen in individual women, but can be accelerated by a collective intention. We can do this more easily together!

The reflection and sharing of Living Conversation invites individual and collective awareness. As we speak and listen from the essential Aliveness within us, we grow our capacity to see holistically what is truly needed, and our new ‘seeing’ IS the change we seek.  At the same time, we build fields of relationship that more and more powerfully support us as whole persons, as ‘Beings-With’ one another.

If you are called to this field, to this path, please join us as a ‘participant-observer-sister’ HERE.

Jeanie and Bonnie

Jeanie and Bonnie

Ever determined to be whimsical even in our groundedness


Our Appreciations Page is barely begun, so many are those who have blessed us. It is our next step, and a vital one on the ‘GODMother Path.’  If you are called to this path, please join us as a ‘Participant-Observer-Sister,’ and host your own Appreciations Page! 

Together, we will be increasing the visibility of the widespread networks of relationship that we are, that are working toward a better world. Together, we will be weaving gratitude into our collective field.

As we reach toward wholeness, each of us and together, we will be building a new framework for human society.

If you choose to explore a bit further, these steps may be helpful:

Heart to Lead Video

Watch Bonnie and Cheryl’s video, ‘The Heart to Lead: Women as Allies for the Greater Good’ again and again, as we did.

You will begin to feel part of the greater conversation that women are having worldwide, and build awareness of your own impulse to participate. 

Please share on our private forums or Facebook page to weave your growing and knowing into the greater field.

Now is most certainly the time to build connections.


GODMother Awareness

Rest with each of the ten Awarenesses at your own pace, and click through for more information.

There are suggestions for exercises and conversations to do on your own or with friends.

We are continually holding a field of energy here, and reviewing the private forums that accompany each section.  Your participation and sharing, here or on our Facebook page, is deeply welcomed.

Every step you take builds the field, and may directly help someone else.


Living Conversation Course of Study

Sign up for our Living Conversation course, for a guided journey on a deeper spiral of self-discovery with others.

There is so much to unlearn about ourselves and our current world, so much growth in authenticity and deep listening to be made, so much greater need to address from greater awareness.

When we come to recognize the ways the ‘Mother Heart’ reinforces the current cultures, we withdraw our participation in those co-creations, and begin to co-create a whole new way of being ‘whole persons’ together on planet earth.